July 18, 2018

Switching Control System

Sputtering Control and Processing System (CUSDC)

Unipolar low-power Real pulse sputter control and processing system (CUSDUP)

Bipolar low-power Real pulse sputter control and processing system  (CUSDBP)

Direct Current Control and Processing System (Single or Network) (CUPDCV) (CUPDCVR)

Direct Current  Control and Processing System and Unipolar Pulse Generator (CUPUP) (CUPUPV)

Direct Current  Control and Processing System and Bipolar Pulse Generator (CUPUP) (CUPUP)

Thickness control and processing system (single or network) (CUTR) (CUT)

Vacuum gage control and processing system (single or network) (CUVR) (CUV)

Control and processing system for valves and relays (single or networked) (CUX) (CUXR)

Module control and processing system (single or networked) (CUXC) (CUXCR)

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